Yom Yahveh – Day of Perfect Being

Yom Yahveh. I learned this Jewish phrase has two meanings: Day of the Lord or Day of Perfect Being. In our modern world, most of us understand Sunday as the Lord’s Day. But I became intrigued by the second meaning Day of Perfect Being.

American- Italian

America, 1914, destination Ellis Island. June 29 marked the beginning of my Italian family in the United States; the day Paul Vittori married Nina. Odd to outsiders, our Italian culture is constructed of a peculiar menagerie of food, jokes, and discipline. Experiencing a life-long food romance, Italians know there is nothing quite like waking up... Continue Reading →

Everybody must get stoned …

Everybody must get stoned ... a most invasive earworm. Bob Dylan’s quirky song Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 topped the 1966 pop charts. I was a toddler. Listening to the raucous circus tune I'm transported to my aunt’s 1966 living room. Harvest gold carpet, a huge console that kept the record player, my teenage... Continue Reading →

I'm very excited to announce I was a prize winner for a local writing competition The Phidian Art Club of Dixon, Illinois Literary Competition. A very special friend encouraged me to submit a story - I hesitated but decided to give it a shot. I was very excited and humbled to place in my first... Continue Reading →

I’m Not Dancing

“Any concerns?” I hear unease in Dr. Marc’s voice.

Sitting in Walgreen’s parking lot I stare through the rain-smeared windshield, evening traffic rambles by.

The Magic Wand

  Imitated each step. Followed every instruction. I struggle to prepare a meal to her perfection. I don’t possess the patience or skill to achieve mom’s cooking precision. She didn’t leave me her magic wand. Mom prepared recipes mostly from recollection. When she tried a new recipe, it was soon transformed and committed to memory. ... Continue Reading →

Where have all the Brokaws gone?

Journalism class taught me to hunt for 5 W’s & H. Who. What. When. Where. Why. How. That’s it. Just the FACTS. Professors placed a huge red ‘F’ on an article containing a modicum of my opinion. They did it for the sanctity of Journalism – unbiased reporting to the public of events impacting daily... Continue Reading →

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